Sunday, 30 October 2011

The Power of Words

I would like to comment this week on a YouTube video by Purplefeather Online Content Specialists that was presented to our Public Relations class called the Power of Words,
In under two minutes, this exceptional video demonstrates the effectiveness of writing to your target audience. In Social Media alone, we are being inundated every day with hundreds of choices of competing messages. A Google search for “the power of words”, for instance, yields 362 million results.

If we are to stand out and get noticed, our message must relate to our target audience. The more important our messages are, the more important it is to define that relationship.  Define what our message means to them, not us; especially messages that require a call to action. Defining the reader helps us define the most powerful words.

One of the vital lessons I learned about Social Media was put most poetically in 1839 by Edward Bulwer-Lytton, the pen is mightier than the sword.  


  1. Thank you for sharing the video. You are right. In just under two minutes and very few words, the video drives home a very important concept.

  2. Wow. Thank you for sharing. This video was really quite powerful. It really showed the power words can have and much difference they can make in the message you want to get out.
    I can see why this was presented in your Public Relations class. Great post, great video. Have never seen this before today.

  3. I too really enjoyed watching this video and seeing first hand the power of optimism to get across a similar message. Fantastic video; thank you for sharing!
